Welcome to Whole School SEND
Whole School SEND is a consortium of charities, schools and organisations. We are committed to helping children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or learning differences reach their full potential.
Hosted by nasen, we lead the Universal SEND Services with our strategic partners Education and Training Foundation (ETF) and the Autism Education Trust (AET). We are also delivering a randomised control trial funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF).

Contact Whole School SEND
Follow us on X (formerly known as Twitter): @WholeSchoolSEND
Follow us on LinkedIn: Whole School SEND
Contact by email: info@wholeschoolsend.com
Write to us:
Whole School SEND, Fox Court, 14 Gray’s Inn Road, London, WC1X 8HN
How we respond to feedback
We are committed to representing as many voices from the SEND community as possible. We value and respect each and every one of our members, and their lived experiences. We readily invite feedback with the aim of strengthening our products and services so we can improve outcomes for the children and young people we serve, and all of our resources are continuously reviewed. As standard, we consult extensively with our steering groups, which are made up of professionals from the sector, as well as children, young people, parents and carers with lived experience of SEND and learning differences.
We also welcome feedback from the wider membership. It is important that we acknowledge that, since every person’s experience is the different from the next, opinions on the best approach can differ across the membership. Sometimes, these differences can be significant. When concerns are raised, we always take time to listen, and where necessary, detailed discussions take place, and the reasons for our decisions can be presented in context.
What We Do
As a Department for Education funded contract, all of our work and resources are free to access. Below is a selection of the work we do and the support we can offer.

SEND Reviewer Training
SEND Reviewer Training builds on the concepts explored in our SEND Review Guides, giving you the skills to carry out reviews of SEND provision both in your own setting and on a peer-to-peer basis. The process is designed to be supportive, non-judgemental and accessible, to allow every setting to confidently and accurately evaluate their current provision.
A free, online SEND Reviewer Training course is currently available, provided by our Consortium Partners Real Group.