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Resources and Publications

The Whole School SEND consortium regularly publishes resources to support you with all aspects of SEND. These include our SEND Review Guides and Frameworks, leaflets for parents, practical resources to support your work in educational settings, resources for specific contexts such as COVID, CPDL webinar recordings and more.

As a member of nasen and the Whole School SEND Member Community, you have free access to all of our resources – scroll through, use the filters or search for a specific resource. 


Latest Resources

Promotional image for teachers toolkit

Teachers toolkit

  • General
  • 03 Jul 2024

An interactive toolkit for teachers to navigate resources and guidance for multiple areas of SEND provision to support effective inclusion.

Promotional image for teaching assistants and learning support staff toolkit

Teaching Assistants & Learning Support staff toolkit

  • General
  • 03 Jul 2024

An interactive toolkit for support staff to navigate resources and guidance for multiple areas of SEND provision to support effective inclusion.

Promotional image for leadership and SENCO toolkit

Leadership and SENCO toolkit

  • General
  • 03 Jul 2024

An interactive toolkit for SENDCos and Senior Leaders to navigate resources and guidance for developing effective SEND provision across a school.

Promotional image for co-production and partnership toolkit

Co-production and Partnership toolkit

  • General
  • 03 Jul 2024

An interactive toolkit for parents or staff external to school to navigate resources and guidance for multiple areas of SEND provision to support learners.

Four primary school children sitting at desks in a classroom. One student is getting help from the teacher.

Webinar: Positively responding to increasing complexity in our mainstream schools – collaborative learning opportunities to inform strategic and systemic thinking

  • Webcasts
  • 02 Jul 2024
WSS past event
Universal SEND Services

This webinar explores the current context around pressures on mainstream schools due to the shortage of special school placement and how schools can collaboratively and positively respond as system leaders.

Female teacher with secondary school pupils in a lesson

Webinar: Their future in our hands – Navigating school to career transitions: A webinar for Primary, Secondary and College Educators Part 2

  • Webcasts
  • 03 Apr 2024
WSS past event
Universal SEND Services

This webinar will follow on from webinar one and will offer solutions and share good practice to staff on how they overcome the difficulties they have when supporting young people in their employment journey.

A teacher and four students all looking at a laptop in a classroom setting

Webinar: Their future in our hands – Navigating school to career transitions: A webinar for Primary, Secondary and College Educators Part 1

  • Webcasts
  • 21 Mar 2024
WSS past event
Universal SEND Services

This webinar will introduce the topic of employment is everyone’s business and how staff across all schools play a pivotal part in a person’s employment journey, from sowing the seed at a young age that employment is for everyone

A young student getting help from his teacher

Positive beginnings: Supporting children with SEND at the start of their school journey

webinar_handout_-_useful_link_and_resources.docx positive_beginnings_webinar_final.pdf
  • Webcasts
  • 16 Feb 2024
WSS past event
primary school
Universal needs

This webinar will explore support for children entering mainstream school.  The session will cover early identification of need, processes for positive support and inclusive strategies to ensure that needs are met as children prepare for transition.

ITTR main image

Teacher Handbook: SEND

Teacher SEND handbook 30th January 2024.pdf
  • General
  • 22 Jan 2024
Teacher Handbook SEND

The approach we have taken to writing this handbook reflects the approach that is needed to embed inclusive practice across schools - a shared vision and true collaboration, underpinned by professional challenge and respect for everyone’s strengths

A person sat on a grey sofa in front of an open laptop with headphones on taking notes on a notepad

How to ensure balance between the role of SENCO and personal wellbeing.

SENCO Wellbeing slides.pptx
  • Webcasts
  • 09 Nov 2023
WSS past event
Universal needs

Enhancing SENCO wellbeing by managing workload and leading through influence. Delivered by Jean Gross, Rebecca Gonyora and Erica Wolstenholme

nasen and WSS member newsletter September 2023

  • General
  • 28 Sep 2023
WSS enews

Welcome to your September update, full of SEND CPD opportunities to help support your ambitions for an inclusive learning environment.

Young child sat at a desk with a board and pen being supported by a female support staff

Meeting increasing Social Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH) needs within mainstream settings

5-Ps-and-formulation-final.pdf AFC version The 5ps.pdf Anna Freud Resource Links.pdf classroom-wellbeing-toolkit.pdf measurement-tools-understanding-needs.pdf measuring-wellbeing-in-education.pdf my-self-care-plan-secondary.pdf SEMH Webinar Slides_FINAL.pdf SENCO DfE Webinar SLIDES July 2023.pdf
  • Webcasts
  • 12 Jul 2023
WSS past event
Universal needs

In this webinar we will explore the increase in SEMH needs and how we can meet the challenge of assessing needs and providing targeted support within school.

Webinar - SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan: What do schools and colleges need to know?

Responsive Webinar 24.04.2 - Resources.pdf SEND and AP webinar 240423.pdf
  • Webcasts
  • 04 May 2023
Universal Services

This webinar will provide an overview of the Department for Education’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement plan which was published at the beginning of March.

male teacher supporting a pupil in classroom

Talking Head - Professional Development Groups Tim James Director of Inclusion

  • Webcasts
  • 04 Apr 2023
PD Groups

A Director of Inclusion talks about the benefit to their learning in addition to improved outcomes in their school of being a member of the professional groups.

Talking Head - Teacher Handbook Zoe Nash SENCO

  • Webcasts
  • 04 Apr 2023
School improvement for SEND
Teacher Handbook SEND

A SENCO talks about the benefits to her school of using the Teacher Handbook.

Live online networking sessions supporting resources

Unit 1 Live session resource.pdf unit_2_live_session_resource.pdf unit_3_live_session_resource.pdf Unit 4 Live session resource.pdf Unit 5 Live session resource.pdf Unit 6 Live session resource.pdf Unit 8 Live session resource.pdf Unit 7 Live session resource.pdf
  • General
  • 27 Mar 2023
Universal SEND Services
Online Units
Live Discussion

A bank of resources to support the Online networking sessions for Unit 1 -3

Webinar - SEND - Legacy of Leadership

WSS NPQ Session 3 SEND - Legacy of Leadership.pdf
  • Webcasts
  • 16 Mar 2023
Universal needs

In the final session in this series of three, we reflect on SEND at a strategic and executive level, in our sense-making and decision-making.

Primary school children sat on the carpet in group reading with a teacher holding out a book

Webinar: Reflective SEND Practice

WSS ECT Session 6 Reflective SEND Practice.pdf SEND Reflection Framework (Editable Word).doc
  • Webcasts
  • 16 Mar 2023
Universal Services

In the final session in this series of six, we explore how to be a reflective classroom teacher for SEND.

Group of 3 primary school age children enthusiastically putting their hand up sat around a classroom desk, there are small plant trays, felt tip pens and paper on the table.

Webinar: How to develop a curriculum which is ambitious and accessible for all at each age and stage

Ambitious curriculum webinar_Final 02.03.23.pdf
  • Webcasts
  • 06 Mar 2023
WSS past event
Universal Services

This webinar recording explores why it is important for all children to have access to an ambitious curriculum and how schools and colleges can ensure that their curriculum is ambitious and accessible.

Young child sitting on a chair with a teacher next to her both looking at an iPad

Ensuring equal access to public examinations for candidates with sensory impairments - NatSIP

2023-03 Examination access guide vP2.pdf
  • General
  • 13 Feb 2023
Consortium Partner resource

The implications of sensory impairment are well known to teachers of children and young people who are deaf, and/or have vision impairment (VI) and/or a multi-sensory impairment (MSI).