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Webinar: Effective Use of the SENCO Deployment Guide

  • Webcasts
  • 10 Jul 2020
WSS past event

Join the Whole School SEND West Midlands Team and Hannah Moloney, author of the Effective SENCO Deployment Guide, for an introduction to using this guide.

The National SENCO Workload Survey highlighted common issues faced by SENCOs nationwide. This guide looks at five of these key areas and explores how SENCOs and school leaders can work together to improve the effectiveness of the SENCO role within their school. Written by currently practising, highly-experienced primary and secondary SENCOs and a parent of a young person with SEND, this guide will act as a tool to empower SENCOs to confidently influence and support their school community in changing pupils’ lives for the better.

The webinar is aimed at School Leaders and SENCOs and will help schools to ensure that their leadership of SEND is purposeful and progressive.

Suitable for: SENCO, Senior Leader

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Hannah Moloney

Passionate about improving the working experience of SENCOs nationally, as well as shifting perceptions of children and young people with SEND, Hannah is a qualified and practicing SENCO and dyslexia specialist overseeing provision across four schools across the 2-18 age range. As well as chairing the creation of the Whole School SEND ‘Effective SENCO Deployment’ Guide, she is also the instigator of the National SENCO Workload Surveys and the charity Generation CAN. To find out more about her projects, please visit and

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