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- Condition-specific video
Our condition-specific videos aim to develop a newly qualified teachers’ knowledge of SEND and to introduce them to helpful resources and tips for the classroom.

Dr Emily Bennett, Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Dr Gemma Costello, Educational Psychologist National ABI in Learning in Education Forum (N-ABLES)

- Consortium Partner resource
Free resources available through our consortium partner, UKABIF

- Acquired Brain Injury
This webinar will provide an introduction to Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)

- Webcast
- Acquired Brain Injury
Presented by Louise Wilkinson - Head of Information and Learning for the Child Brain Injury Trust.

This guide aims to introduce childhood acquired brain injury (ABI), consider how it is acquired and why it is often misdiagnosed, and provide some practical support strategies. #miniguides

- Acquired Brain Injury
This session will help to further develop your understanding of Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)