Specialist Spotlight: Creating a physically safe environment (Primary)
- Online
- 25 Apr 2024 (16:00 - 17:00)
Join us for a FREE discussion exploring approaches to creating a physically safe environment in primary settings.
The discussion will be hosted by Whole School SEND’s regional lead, Alistair Crawford, and everyone will be encouraged to join in, ask questions and share experiences. As such, content will be responsive but may cover some or all of the following themes:
- What is meant by a ‘physically safe environment’
- The balance between providing care, support and safety, and promoting equality and independence
- How communication and organisational choices affect learners’ sense of belonging.
It’s a great opportunity to hear from an experienced specialist, network with colleagues from across the country, and share learnings.
The discussion builds on our 20 minute online SEND CPD units. While everyone is welcome to take part in the session, delegates who have completed the corresponding unit content in preparation are likely to find the sessions particularly helpful.
Due to the interactive nature of these sessions, recordings will not be made available after the event.
Data Sharing: As this is a Department for Education (DfE) funded project, participants may be contacted by an external evaluator to measure the impact and success of the project. By participating in any of the webinars, live sessions or other activities you are providing consent by default to have your data shared and be contacted by the DfE and/or the external evaluators to support the evaluation process. If you do not want your data to be shared for this purpose please email: info@wholeschoolsend.com
Suitable for: Assistant Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Head Teacher, Newly Qualified Teacher, SENCO, Teacher, Teaching Assistant

Meet your trainer
Fiona Broadley
Fiona Broadley is a Registered Qualified Habilitation Specialist and manages a Specialist Outreach team delivering Habilitation, Reprographics and Specialist ICT support to children and young people with vision impairment (CYPVI) across Birmingham. She has worked in the VI field for more than 40 years, and for the last 34 has worked in education, teaching in specialist, mainstream and special settings. She also lectures to student Habilitation Specialists at Birmingham City University, and with her team, delivers the Habilitation elements of the training for Specialist Teachers of the Vision Impaired (QTVI) and for MSI teachers at the University of Birmingham. Fiona is the Chair of Habilitation VIUK and strives to raise profile of habilitation at all levels. Habilitation encompasses the range of orientation and mobility skills, environmental and access recommendations, and independent living skills for CYPVI. Fiona is the author of 2 books on habilitation, that are written in an easy access style, suitable for parents as well as professionals:
- Supporting Life Skills for Young Children with Vision Impairment and other Disabilities: An Early Years Habilitation Handbook (Routledge 2021)
- Supporting Life Skills for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment and Other Disabilities: A Middle Childhood Habilitation Handbook (Routledge 2023)